Top 3 Highest AdSense Earners in The World in 2013

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3 Most Corrupt Police Forces in The World

Top 3 Most Corrupt Countries in The World

Top Three (3) Most Corrupt Countries in The World


What is corruption? Why it occurs? Corruption occurs because it is human nature to take the easy way out and to gain personal benefit from whatever means possible. Both “nature” (Biological) and “nurture” (psychological) factors have a part in corruption.
Corruption occurs because of self-interest. For example, when the United States of America invaded Iraq or Afghanistan, the fact that the United States had an interest in obtaining the oil from those countries may have influenced their decision, because those countries have oil and the United States of America needs it. Maybe those countries were invaded for noble causes or perhaps it is an example of corruption.
It’s clear that corrupt activities by individuals and governments, to the tune of trillions per year, have a huge impact on the world economy. Transparency International’s 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) does the next best thing by ranking countries and territories based on how corrupt their administrative and political institutions are perceived to be on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) and a 100 (very clean).
Here is the list containing top 3 Most Corrupt Countries in the world, ranked by Transparency International.

1. Somalia

Somalia People
Somalia ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 100.
According to Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index, Somalia is the world’s most corrupt country, highlighting the convergence of conflict and corruption. The corruption and violence was sparked when the US and the USSR used Somalia as a battleground for the political ideologies and backed clans and militias into fighting for their respective sides. Funding from the US really kicked off the particular Siad Barre regime which took corruption to a whole new level. Since the oust of the regime in 1991, Somalia has been essentially lawless and has no government except for parts being governed and fought over by different clans and militias and the coastal areas are riddled by pirates.

2. Korea (North)

North Korea People
North Korea ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 100.
There is little foreign investment in North Korea, and the country is plagued by structural corruption in its political and bureaucratic system since the early 1990s when the Stalinist North Korea collapsed. There is little that is known about North Korea, as once you’re in, you either get captured or find worse fates, or you pay huge bribes to escape, and the testimonies that shed any light on the conditions in North Korea are from the refugees who either paid bribes to escapes or snuck out some other dangerous way.

3. Afghanistan

Young Afghani Girl
Afghanistan ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 10.
Afghanistan is a state riddled with the the corruption of bribery. Bribery and the menace of kickbacks are so commonplace in Afghanistan that 38 percent of the people consider it to be normal.



Top 3 Most Beautiful Royal Palaces in World Ever

 Top Three (3) Most Beautiful Royal Palaces in World

A palace is a grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of a head of state or some other high-ranking dignitary, also homes of kings and emperors. These splendid palaces are among the Most Famous  Monuments in the World. These amazing monuments were once the homes of kings and emperors, now popular tourist attractions. Here is a list of top 10 most beautiful royal palaces in the world.

1. Forbidden City

Forbidden City
Most Beautiful Royal Palaces – Forbidden City
One of the most Beautiful Royal Palaces. Built in 1406 to 1420, The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost 500 years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government. The complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 720,000 Squar meter.The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere.

2. Potala Palace

Potala Palace
Most Beautiful Royal Palaces – Potala Palace
The Potala Palace is located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Situated on Marpo Ri hill, 130 meters above the Lhasa valley, the Potala Palace rises a further 170 meters and is the greatest monumental structure in all of Tibet. Although a palace was already built here in the 7th century the construction of the present palace began in 1645 during the reign of the fifth Dalai Lama and by 1648 the Potrang Karpo, or White Palace, was completed. The Potrang Marpo, or Red Palace, was added between 1690 and 1694. The Potala Palace remained the residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India, after the Chinese invasion in 1959.

3. Alhambra

Alhambra Palace
The Most Beautiful Royal Palace – Alhambra
Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. It was originally constructed as a fortress in 889, and was converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada. The Alhambra’s Islamic palaces were built for the last Muslim Emirs in Spain and its court, of the Nasrid dynasty. After the reconquest by the Reyes Católicos in 1492, some portions were used by the Christian rulers. The Alhambra is now one of Spain’s major tourist attractions and many visitors come to Granada just to see the Alhambra.

Top 3 Most Expensive Bikes in the World 2013

Top Three (3) Most Expensive Bikes in the World 2013

This world is full of beautiful things, some called natural beauty and some are manufactured by us. If we talk about boys they are crazy about many things that we can say that they love many things like cars, girls, sports but the craziest thing are motor bikes .They love to ride on bike. Men personality represents by the vehicle they keep most people love cars but the young generation wants to do crazy things with their buddies and bikes are the best things to do this.

Motorcycling is a very different euphoria. Here our topic is not to ride on bike but our main aim to inform you that this motorcycling needs millions of dollars. Yes we are talking about the top 3 most expensive motor bikes in the world.

Top 1. Million Dollar Harley by Jack Armstrong

The world’s most expensive bike is an artist-designed Harley-Davidson. It is also the world’s first $1 million motorcycle. It has been designed by Jack Armstrong. Jack Armstrong is known throughout the world for his painting style, which is known as Cosmic Extensional. With this style of painting on object, the observer is able to read and see different things from unlike angles. The motorcycle is priced at $1 million.

Top 2. Ultra-rare Porcupine

The second-most expensive bike in the world is a Porcupine, and it is extremely rare. This ultra-rare Porcupine was manufactured during World War II by AJS, a British motorcycle manufacture. This Porcupine was part of National Motorcycle Museum at Coventry for the past two decades, but is now on sale. With such rarity and history, it is anticipated to fetch nearly $750,000.

Top 3 . Gold-Plated Custom Chopper

The gold-plated Custom Chopper was unveiled at the International Motorcycle Show at Seattle, Washington. This literally-dazzling motorcycle looks more of a showstopper than a real motorbike, purely because of its look. The price of this extraordinary chopper is $500000. The bike sports a lot of gold plated to its metal parts with excellent and superb finish and shine. You would not want to take it on the road even.

Top 3 Most Expensive Cars In The World in 2012-2013

Top 3 Richest Persons of Pakistan

Top Three (3) Richest Persons of Pakistan  in 2013

Let's discuss little bit regarding most richest personalities in Pakistan

Top 3 Richest Persons are Those Persons who having a Large Amount.We have heard and read many times in the past about top ten richest people of the world but here we will talk about the ten richest people of our Site give You People the Name of 3 Richest People of Pakistan as Under the list

Top 1. Mian Muhammad Mansha

At the top position we have Mian Muhammad Mansha Yaha who has the worth of $2.5 billion and he is a businessman. He has around 40 companies on board and owns Muslim Commercial Bank. He is still on the move but according to his friends he doesn’t show off.


Top 2: Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari is at number 2, he is a politician and has the worth of $1.8 billion. He was the husband of our Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and now President. His assets hold hundred of million dollars, he has 8 prime properties in UK, he also has multi-million dollars mansion in USA, huge stakes in sugar mills all over the Pakistan.


Top 3: Sir Anwar Pervez

Third is Sir Anwar Pervaiz, he has the worth of $1.5 Billion and he is a businessman. He is the Chairman of Bestway Group which was started in 1976 and now they own 50 cash and carry’s. Anwar Pervaiz and his partners share have brought them outstanding levels internationally.

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