Top 3 Most Corrupt Countries in The World

Top Three (3) Most Corrupt Countries in The World


What is corruption? Why it occurs? Corruption occurs because it is human nature to take the easy way out and to gain personal benefit from whatever means possible. Both “nature” (Biological) and “nurture” (psychological) factors have a part in corruption.
Corruption occurs because of self-interest. For example, when the United States of America invaded Iraq or Afghanistan, the fact that the United States had an interest in obtaining the oil from those countries may have influenced their decision, because those countries have oil and the United States of America needs it. Maybe those countries were invaded for noble causes or perhaps it is an example of corruption.
It’s clear that corrupt activities by individuals and governments, to the tune of trillions per year, have a huge impact on the world economy. Transparency International’s 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) does the next best thing by ranking countries and territories based on how corrupt their administrative and political institutions are perceived to be on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) and a 100 (very clean).
Here is the list containing top 3 Most Corrupt Countries in the world, ranked by Transparency International.

1. Somalia

Somalia People
Somalia ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 100.
According to Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index, Somalia is the world’s most corrupt country, highlighting the convergence of conflict and corruption. The corruption and violence was sparked when the US and the USSR used Somalia as a battleground for the political ideologies and backed clans and militias into fighting for their respective sides. Funding from the US really kicked off the particular Siad Barre regime which took corruption to a whole new level. Since the oust of the regime in 1991, Somalia has been essentially lawless and has no government except for parts being governed and fought over by different clans and militias and the coastal areas are riddled by pirates.

2. Korea (North)

North Korea People
North Korea ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 100.
There is little foreign investment in North Korea, and the country is plagued by structural corruption in its political and bureaucratic system since the early 1990s when the Stalinist North Korea collapsed. There is little that is known about North Korea, as once you’re in, you either get captured or find worse fates, or you pay huge bribes to escape, and the testimonies that shed any light on the conditions in North Korea are from the refugees who either paid bribes to escapes or snuck out some other dangerous way.

3. Afghanistan

Young Afghani Girl
Afghanistan ranks 174 out of 174 countries and earned a score of 8 out of 10.
Afghanistan is a state riddled with the the corruption of bribery. Bribery and the menace of kickbacks are so commonplace in Afghanistan that 38 percent of the people consider it to be normal.