10 Most Pulluted Cities in the World in 2014

The industrial development has certainly made the life very easy for us but we have to consider the other side of the picture as well. The industry growth has affected the environment badly across the world whereas the industrial waste and chemicals are spreading tons of pollution in shape of solid waste, air pollution and not only this the industrial waste which contains toxic materials and some chemicals which can cause some serious medical complications as well have been thrown in the environment . Though environment protection agencies are working to make the legislations and take corrective actions against the un controllable pollution which I growing day by day.  Due to this chemical waste the cities are getting polluted and the pollution is caused by the smoke of vehicles, factories and solid, liquid industrial waste as well.  As the time is passing the cities are getting more polluted which is decreasing the life expectancy rate as well. The world health organization recently conducted a research in which they collected the data about the maximum level of deaths due to pollution and maximum level of polluted waste. We have gathered the data about the world’s most polluted cities and after a deep research we present you the list of Top 10 Most Polluted Cities in the world.

10. Niger River Delta, Nigeria

Niger River in Nigeria is known as Oil river as well as the southern delta of Niger River is still the biggest source of oil production in the African region and the oil in the delta of Niger river has not only polluted the area but the underground water as well which is causing some serious nutrition problems in the area .

9. Norlisk ,Russia

Russia has focused much on their industrial development and this big country has one of the biggest industrial plants of the world. Norlisk has one of the biggest heavy metal smelting complex of the world . The reports say that in this city 500 tons of copper and nickel oxides and almost 2 million tons of sulfur oxide is released in the air which is causing health concerns. A study said that the life of the factory workers in Norlisk is almost 10 years less than other citizens.

8. Matanza Riachuelo, Argentina

Argentina is the country which is focusing much on the expansion of their industry and there are more than 15000 industries in Buenos Iris which throw their waste in the Matanza Riachuelo River  which has caused  the polluted drinking water issue in the area .

7. Kalimantan, Indonesia

The gold mining on small scale is banned in many regions of the world but the gold is collected with mercury which binds with gold and then mercury can be separated by simple smelting and in the city of Kalimantan the mercury is burned which is highly injurious to health.

6. Kabwe, Zambia

Kabwe is an important city of Zambia and there were large mines of lead as well.  Now majority of the lead mines are closed because these mines and waste were a big threat for human health but still this city is one of the most polluted as high levels of lead is found in the blood stream of the children of Kabwe.

5. Hazaribagh, Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the country where the industry is growing and Hazaribagh is the city where is big leather processing industry. Millions of liter toxic water is mixed with drinking water in this city which is spreading deadly diseases here.

4. Dzershinsk, Russia

Dzershinsk is the second city from Russia included in this list and this will raise a concern for the Russian authorities as well. In the year 2007 this city was named as the most polluted city of the world and the water of the city is extremely polluted with the chemicals in it.

3. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Chernobyl is the city in Ukraine which has been affected badly by the nuclear waste. In 1986 the biggest disasters of nuclear industry happened there when the core of the reactor was melt down and the toxic chemicals and metals like uranium, plutonium and cesium which have affected more than 120000 people in total causing medical disabilities and complications.

2. Bhopal, India

Bhopal is one of the most pollution affected cities of the world as in 1984 there was a disaster when the toxic gas in a pesticide plant leaked and killed more than 15000 people. Still the city has not yet fully recovered from it as the people in Bhopal still suffer from chronic illness due to underground polluted water.

1. Agbobloshie, Ghana

Agbobloshie is the city which tops the list of the Top 10 most polluted cities of the world. Agbobloshie is the city where the biggest recycling industry of electronic waste is present. The cables and other electronic items are melt down to extract lead which causes to spread toxic chemicals in the air. The death rate is increasing and the average life time in this city is less than 50 years per head.